Sometimes I make theatre from the outside, which is usually in a director/dramaturg/extra eye type role.
A selection of past, present & future projects of this kind:
For full tour dates, lists of collaborators, partners & more information for these productions click on the titles.
Land Behind The Curtain; JES (Stuttgart, Germany)
Co-Writer & Director
Photo Credit Philipp Nicolai
about good and bad but probably mostly about the complicated mess inbetween; JES (Stuttgart, Germany)
Photo Credit Ace
My First Panto, Cinderella the Rock Musical; The Garage (Norwich, UK)
Photo Credit Simon Finlay
r u there? we r here; British Council, Gogolfest & Teatromanyia (Mariupol, Ukraine)
STILL FLOATING; Hugh Hughes & Hoipolloi (UK)

Other collaborators I have worked with like this include: Teatro 4Garoupas (Cologne/Berlin, Germany), Gemma Barnett (UK), YESYESNONO (UK), Second Circle (UK), Invisible Ensemble (UK), Richard Katz (UK), HopSkip Productions R&D (UK), Camden People's Theatre R&D (UK)